Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Weekend photos.

I recently picked up a new camera, a Nikon D40x - it is awesome. Anyone out there interested in getting into photography, I highly recommend going with the D40. It's durable, pretty powerful, and isn't too complicated to use. I went to New Braunfels and Gruene this weekend, here are some of the photos. I am headed to Montana next week, so expect more photo blogs.

Spoon :: Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

As you would expect, the new Spoon album is pretty great. Good music for boating or beaching or fishing... all great summertime activities. Also good music for rocking out to on the way to these afore mentioned aquatic destinations. The album comes out July 10th... here is a sample mp3, enjoy. Sorry the downtime on Stay Classy, been kinda busy and couldn't think of anything to blog about. Tonight I was just sitting here watching Phat Girlz on Starz and thought to myself, "wow I am sitting here watching Phat Girlz while my blog is slowly dying - this has got to stop!" So... you know, had to get back to blogging. That Kristen Wiig video is hilair, hope you enjoyed it.
Spoon - The Underdog


I just found out about this new character on SNL today,and I think it's great! This girl's name is Kristen Wiig and she is genius. Apparently she steals the show in Knocked Up... haven't seen it yet, but looking forward to enjoying it.

Flight of the Conchords

These guys are great... you kinda have to warm up to it a little, but I love it. Part of the new HBO lineup - the first episode just aired. Kind of a Tenacious D type show.